Compare milions of tickets on TicketScout.

Did you ever discover that a ticket you just bought online was offered much cheaper somewhere else? We know what you feel, so we wanted to build a solution for this.

Together with Emesa (mother company of VakantieVeilingen) we tried to find a solution in making the almost opaque market more transparant. But how do you do this? And how do you make it into a success?


Designer  of brand & website

Emesa (Vakantie

Branding, productstrategy and interface design

Ticektscout iamgeTicektscout iamge

Testing & learning

Together with the business developers from Emesa we developed several propositions and visualised them as a landingspage.

We tested this pages with a broad group of people and through this we discovered that there seems to be a strong desire to have one single view of all the tickets that are offered. Based on this desire we started designing TicketScout; a ticket comparison site which searches the Internet looking for all the tickets for a concert, theater or a day out.

By designing a prototype and test it with users in multiple iterations we improved our UI and UX. We did not only test interface, but also the naming and branding.

POC schematisch V1POC schematisch V1

The Result

The result of this progress is TicketScout..

One platform where you search for the artist, festival or venue and it searches all the tickets on the internet for you. By displaying it in a list you can compare all the different suppliers and choose the best deal for you.

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TicketScout artikel metroTicketScout artikel metro